Tuesday, October 28, 2014

NBA TV Prediction Game

The NBA Television Network is hosting a day-long marathon show today, in honour of NBA Tip Off tonight. Some of the analysts, who happen to be former stars in the league, are playing a little game called 'Pro Predictions'. Although I'm not a pro, nor an analyst, I thought it would be cool to fill out my own ballot. Here are my predictions:

The Cavaliers will win the 2015 Championship because:
LeBron James

The Cavaliers will not win the 2015 Championship because:
They're inexperienced with no team chemistry yet.

Will Kawhi Leonard be named an All-Star this year? 
No. Won't get enough minutes.

Kobe's impact this season will be: 
Huge. Best player on the team.

Who will be named Rookie of the Year? 
Jabari Parker

Matchup I'm most looking forward to: 
Cleveland at Miami

Best Point Guard in the game: 
Chris Paul

Player with the most "Throwback" game: 
Al Jefferson

Most Underrated player: 
Mike Conley

Better Back Court: Splash Brothers or Wiz Kids? 
Splash Brothers

2nd Rounder who will prove everyone wrong: 
Glenn Robinson III

Without LeBron, the Heat will have to play this style: 
Same Style

Free Agent, other than LeBron, who will make the biggest impact: 
Pau Gasol

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